leading the way

the nation's first
independent VERIFYING agency

Natural verifiers is truly unique

We Are The Only independent, Third Party Verification Agency to Present a Credible Option in the Organic and Natural Industries.

The minimum standards, auditing procedures and inspections we administer are equally rigorous, if not more rigorous than those employed by most kosher certification or organic certification agencies. Our exacting program not only instills greater confidence on the part of the consumer, but affords greater appeal to business customers since natural verification offers them a level of assurance and validity that your competitors may not provide.


  • Ingredient review & certificate verification
  • Vendor review
  • Product verification
  • Equipment cleaning processes review
  • Pesticide review & verification
  • Storage review & verification
  • Growing procedures review & verification
  • Lab testing & report review
  • Labeling requirements
  • Cleaning procedures review & verification
  • Review & verification of recycling program
  • And more!

what we Believe

Integrity Above All Else
All of us should be able to sustain ourselves with natural, healthy foods manufactured and supplied at the lowest possible risk.
Honesty Equals Reputation
Improve your company’s reputation by holding yourself accountable to third party verification, not because it’s mandated but because your reputation is enhanced by it.
Consumer Trust
Consumers should be made aware of agricultural and manufacturing processes and how they affect their food. Customers are loyal when confidence is built on trust.
Making a Difference
We’re doing this for the benefit of future generations, one product at a time.